I Think I Love My Job
The KO Experience
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Experience Coach | Executive Advisor | Speaker | Host
Anonymous and Confidential are NOT interchangeable
Culture is Driven from the BOTTOM
Missing data is just...MISSING
Survey Fatigue is OVERBLOWN
Your employe experience is a PRODUCT
Transformations MUST have an end
The eNPS is NOT your employee experience answer
Remote work CAN work
DE&I Is An Outcome
Employee Experience is NOT an Option
Season 2 Promo...I'm Baaa-ack!
I Think I Love...Kalifa
I Think I Love Storytelling With Data
I Think I Love Insights
I Think I Love Talent (Planning)
I Think I Love Recognition
I Think I Love Employee Engagement
I Think I Love The Candidate Experience
I Think I Love Data
I Think I Love Transformation
I Think I Love Ethics
I Think I Love Continuous Listening Pt 2
I Think I Love Continuous Listening Pt 1
I Think I Love Surveys
I Think I Love Inclusion
I Think I Love The Employee Experience
Season 1 Promo
DE&I: Saying The Quiet Things Out Loud
Navigating The Nuance of the Employee Experience Pt 2 (ODB Podcast)
Navigating The Nuance of the Employee Experience Pt 1 (ODB Podcast)
Effective Employee Listening Programs Need Trust and Transparency
So What is Employee Listening?
Supporting Our Managers Is Critical for Well-Being Programs
SIOP LEC - Leading Through Listening: Redefining the Leadership Value Proposition
I Think I Love My Job - A YouTube Series
Developing Employee Listening Programs